what we do

Better futures for
children in Nigeria

Establishing and equipping a library and computer room in impoverished schools is a transformative investment in education. Libraries provide students with access to a wide range of books, resources, and learning materials, fostering a love for reading and expanding their knowledge base. Additionally, computer rooms offer students the opportunity to develop essential digital literacy skills, empowering them to navigate the modern world and pursue further education and career opportunities.
For impoverished schools, these facilities are often out of reach due to financial constraints. However, by setting up and equipping libraries and computer rooms, we bridge the gap in educational resources, providing students with the tools they need to succeed. These spaces become hubs of learning, innovation, and collaboration, where students can explore, research, and create.
Moreover, investing in libraries and computer rooms not only enhances academic achievement but also cultivates a culture of curiosity, critical thinking, and lifelong learning. By prioritizing access to information and technology, we empower students from disadvantaged backgrounds to break the cycle of poverty and achieve their full potential.





Providing school uniforms to impoverished students is a compassionate initiative with far-reaching benefits. Uniforms not only create a sense of belonging and equality among students but also alleviate the financial burden on struggling families. By ensuring that every child has access to a proper uniform, regardless of their economic background, we create a more inclusive and conducive learning environment. Additionally, uniforms can help reduce instances of bullying or discrimination based on clothing, fostering a more supportive and respectful school atmosphere. Overall, providing school uniforms to impoverished students not only promotes academic engagement but also reinforces the values of equality and dignity in education.

The availability of school supplies and stationery to impoverished students is a powerful way to support their education and foster academic success. These supplies, including notebooks, pens, pencils, rulers, and backpacks, are essential tools for learning, yet they can be financially out of reach for many families. By offering these items, organizations and communities enable students to fully engage in their studies, boosting their confidence and motivation. Moreover, access to school supplies promotes equity in education, ensuring that all students, regardless of their economic background, have the necessary resources to thrive academically. This initiative not only aids in immediate educational needs but also paves the way for a brighter future for these students by breaking the cycle of poverty through education.


By prioritizing water and sanitation hygiene in schools, we can create healthier learning environments, reduce absenteeism due to water-related illnesses and promote overall well-being among students and staff. Promotion of good hygiene practices like hand washing with soap, proper toilet use and menstrual hygiene management can be done through education, awareness campaigns and integrating hygiene into the curriculum. Establishing WASH communities involving students, teachers, parents and local authorities can help in monitoring and improving WASH facilities in schools. Encourage behaviour change among students and staff regarding hygiene practices including proper waste disposal, avoiding open defecation and maintaining cleanliness in and around school premises. 

Menstrual hygiene management is a critical aspect of health and well-being for girls and women, especially in resource-constrained settings. Many students from impoverished backgrounds lack access to proper menstrual products, leading to challenges in managing their periods hygienically and with dignity. Donating menstrual kits, including reusable pads, not only provides these students with essential supplies but also promotes sustainability and cost-effectiveness. Teaching them how to make and use reusable pads empowers them with knowledge and skills for long-term menstrual hygiene management. Additionally, educating them on the proper use and disposal of pads ensures they understand the importance of hygiene and environmental responsibility. By combining donations with education on reusable pads and hygiene practices, we can make a meaningful impact on the health, confidence, and quality of life of these students, while also promoting eco-friendly menstrual solutions.



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for one child